Urban Solar Microgrid

solar concept
university work
solar grid for individual balcony applications

2022 • semester project• university work

This system empowers residents to produce their own electricity, enhancing their resilience against external influences while also reducing energy costs. The solar modules are arranged vertically to make the most of limited balcony space and are equipped with rotatable elements that track the sun throughout the day, maximizing energy capture. Users can either feed the generated power directly into the grid or store it in an integrated battery for later use. Designed as a retrofit solution, the Urban Solar Microgrid can be easily installed on existing balconies, allowing residents to take control of their energy consumption. Additionally, it facilitates the creation of small, local microgrids that can operate independently from the main power grid. This project not only promotes decentralized energy generation in urban settings but also empowers tenants and homeowners to actively participate in the energy transition. By utilizing existing structures for energy production, the Urban Solar Microgrid addresses significant challenges in urban energy supply while fostering sustainability and self-sufficiency among city dwellers.